Torture using Microwaves

(Sometimes called Havana Syndrome)

Until recently, Zersetzen had been for us a very nasty campaign of threats, harassment and intimidation, combined with professionally spread slanders.

These more conventional incidents, describing the illegal use of Zersetzen torture by our own Spy Agencies, are documented and listed in the “Russell Zersetzen Report” .

It is only in the last 5 years, and after I was warned several times to “STOP” complaining, that these more traditional persecutory tactics were augmented by a Hi-Tech form of torture that targets me when I am asleep in bed and causes me to toss around bawling and shouting incoherently.

The process stops when my wife wakes me up and I am left with a beetroot red face, a nasty headache and general drowsiness. There is almost a feeling of being concussed. One of the Newspaper articles describes this effect in others as “a concussion without a concussion”.

Misuse of Microwave Technology

Microwaves are the ideal tool for a covert assault since, though completely invisible, they can cause both short term pain and long term damage to human tissue. Furthermore Microwaves can be aimed and like radio waves they can travel through barriers such as walls and ceilings.

Recently MacLean’s Magazine published an article that describes how Canadian and US diplomats were victimized by Microwave Assaults. The article describes the use of microwave technology by Spy Agencies to create unsettling symptoms in their (diplomat) victims. This matter is currently before Canada’s Federal Court (as the diplomats are suing Canada for damages).

Below is a link to a document (" Hi-Tech Assaults & Microwaves ") that describes our personal experience of the use by Spy Agencies (in the “Five Eyes”) of microwave technology to cause pain and suffering, and how we can prove that these assaults are happening.

Hi-Tech Assaults & Microwaves

As the document shows, there is clear evidence linking written comments of mine with the "microwave" assaults that follow on. It seems that these microwave assaults are done in revenge for comments of mine that are critical of the security services or of the failure of their political oversight to honestly control them.

On Page 12 of the document are links to several articles in the Main Stream Media (MSM) that describe the use of microwave assaults against other innocent citizens.

So why do these Spy Agencies deny the existence of microwave torture when there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary? I can only suggest that like waterboarding and other forms of no-touch torture they find it too useful to give up and too revolting to admit to.

There is nothing new about the use of microwave technology as a weapon. Nearly 20 years ago Dr. Reinhardt Munzert in an article "The Misuse of Microwave Weapons by Criminals and Terrorists" wrote that such devices could be built with only a "basic knowledge of electronics".

Back in 1999 the URSI (International Union of Radio Sciences) passed a resolution on “the existence of criminal activities using electromagnetic tools”

Indeed the US Magazine POLITICO has described the use of such weaponry as a particularly nasty form of covert attacks and, furthermore, one that is directed against whistleblowers and dissidents by their own government. Open “Hi-Tech Assaults & Microwaves”, as above, and see for yourself.

New York Times Article on Microwave Attacks

Recently the NYT published an article confirming that Microwaves were the likely source of the attacks on diplomats and spies, Click on the link below, and read the article for yourself:

NYT on Microwave Attacks on spies & diplomats

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