Blacklisting, Spies & Lies

I chose to leave Vancouver-based Grosvenor International Holdings, where I had been Group Controller in 1986 and was effectively blacklisted so that I never again found permanent employment in Canada.

Years later I was told by a head-hunter that I had “a big problem with Grosvenor” and that the negative commentary on me had come “from all angles” so that “it had to be believed”.

It had to be believed they say, but nobody bothered to check the facts with me and indeed I wouldn't have expected it as I had done an excellent job for Grosvenor and can prove it. But that’s how Zersetzen works. Victor Santoro noted in his book, Gaslighting --

the essence of defaming your target with rumours is that it not get back to him”

I should just mention that I had been told that Grosvenor had Spy Agency connections. Indeed years later the UK press would report that Grosvenor's then owner had boasted about his close connections with the intelligence community. Indeed his connections were a "who's who" of power elites spreading from very Senior Royalty to the Defense Establishment.

I knew that an earlier leaver had effectively been blacklisted, and I had been told that a Spy Agency had been involved. But as I had done an excellent job, I didn't expect other than excellent references. 

I had done a first class job for Grosvenor (and previous companies as well). During my notice period I was twice asked by them to withdraw my resignation.

Indeed Grosvenor, who were using “The Caldwell Partners” as their head-hunter for my position (the actual head-hunters involved subsequently joined Korn Ferry in Vancouver) turned down the first short list interviewed on the grounds that none of the candidates measured up to me (I was told this by the then Executive Vice President who also provided me with an excellent written reference which I still have today). Incidentally,

"The Caldwell Partners" had advertised my position with Grosvenor as “Worldwide Controller … Likely the most senior Controllership role in Canada”.

I believe that the original lies that were spread about went just to my competence, but when you have Spy Agencies on the job there is no end to it. People will do what they think power wants; without being too much bothered by the truth.

Writing now many years later, false rumours have been spread about me over the years that wrongly smear me as -- a grossly incompetent employee, who has had some relationship with the drug trade, is a deranged suicidal maniac and a sexual deviant to boot.

In the world of the Spy Agencies this sort of professional slandering is known as KOMPROMAT.

The Power of the Big Lie

There is not an iota of truth to any of it. It’s all manufactured lies. Yet people think: where there is smoke there must be fire. As one top head-hunter told me – I’m 95% sure you are telling the truth; but how could I take the risk of recommending you to a client unless I was 100% sure.

I should just mention that Grosvenor has denied any involvement in the blacklisting or the "Zersetzen" threats that followed on.


I don’t know; there was certainly no logic to it. I was told by the Company’s Chairman that good people never left and wonder if the act of leaving gave offence or if leavers had to be shown as bad. I do know that Grosvenor had blacklisted at least one other. My wife thinks it was about petty jealousies. In fact blacklisting in many ways is the worst part of Zersetzen since it ostracizes one from one's community, and runs one out of money.


A top politico suggested to me that as it probably only took a 30 second call to blacklist me, the people involved didn't see it as a major issue and were actually very annoyed that I have made such an issue of it. So in a sense I have become a fairly major whistleblower, describing Zersetzen and illustrating, with huge proof, this illegal persecutory behavior by the very security agencies that are supposed to be protecting us.

Whistleblowers, particularly those who demonstrate the illegal Gestapo side of our Spy Agencies, are seen as a threat by these same agencies who seek to cover-up what they have done by terrorizing the whistleblower into silence.


There is no logic to this persecution. Zersetzen is about throwing power around, not logic.

It’s all Utter nonsense.

The smears and innuendos vary and are usually whoppers – this is the Big Lie technique.


Lies, Smears & Slanders

Intimidation / Harassment

Cover up

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