Overview of Zersetzen / Zersetzung

This SITE is about the illegal use by some of the Spy Agencies in the “Five Eyes” of the Zersetzen "no touch" torture technique — against innocent citizens who have done no wrong. It describes one family's experiences fighting back.

Zersetzen or Zersetzung is a process that was developed by the former communist East German secret police, the "STASI", to persecute dissidents.

Today some of the Spy agencies in countries that are a part of the "Five Eyes" intelligence sharing agreement (CSIS / CSEC in Canada, MI5 / MI6 / GCHQ in UK) are illegally using these east block "secret police" techniques to persecute and bully innocent citizens on behalf of private interests - and for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with national security.


It’s just like the STASI treated dissidents in the former East Germany, except that this Human Rights Abuse is happening here today.

Zersetzen is about character assassination and threats – its purpose is to poison every aspect of a person’s life. Not the normal bloodier medieval form of torture, Zersetzen is a more sophisticated “Orwellian” form that was developed to cause "severe and prolonged suffering" without leaving marks.

Sometimes called Cointelpro, Zersetzung, D and D (Disrupt and Discredit) or No-touch torture, Zersetzen poses the biggest single threat to our democracy since the end of the cold war.

A discussion of the threat Zersetzen poses to democracy and the rule of law is presented in Section 7.

Origins of Zersetzen:  A Psychological Warfare Technique

After becoming more sensitive about their international reputation, the former Communist DDR secret police, the Stasi, decided not to torture dissidents with physical methods that left behind marks. So they developed a new form of “no touch” torture that operates in plain sight without leaving marks. This new methodology of persecution was called Directive Zersetzung and is based on proven Psychological Warfare Techniques (PSYOP). 

 Zersetzen was specifically designed by the Stasi so as to disguise the persecution whilst providing maximum plausible deniability.  Former Stasi Chief Markus Wolf said that these new “Harassment Techniques” were “more damaging than any physical program would have been”.

Because it hides torture in plain sight, Zersetzen / Zersetzung is ideal for use in Five Eyes countries, where the population would not accept more open forms of abuse against its citizens.

Government hides torture in plain sight, when it should be protecting

Another reason our Spy Agencies use the Zersetzen Technique is that the various zersetzen incidents are often purposely designed to look odd and mirror the complaints a paranoid might make.

Disguise, after all, is the stated hallmark of Zersetzen as described by both the Stasi in their “Directive Zersetzung” and by our own Spy Agencies in some of their training material on the use of psychological and physiological torture.

The hallmark of Zersetzen is disguising psychological and physiological torture in plain sight, and Zersetzen incidents are often deliberately designed to look so odd that that they can be difficult to believe. Nothing sounds odder than the use of microwaves; and yet microwave technology today is relatively simple to obtain & operate, and very effective.

In Section 6 of this site, proven examples of the use of microwaves to cause pain and suffering as part of a Zersetzen program are reviewed.

Ironically while Zersetzen was invented by the Stasi secret police in the former GDR, it is the supposed democracies that have perfected these abusive techniques

What’s Involved in Zersetzen

Zersetzen starts with blacklisting, character assassination, and slander – It's about manipulating people or groups of people by typical STASI methods: hearsay, gossip, lies, spreading rumours about someone … the list goes on.

Then years of Intrusive Surveillance, Intimidation, Harassment, Gaslighting, Cyberbullying, Death Threats, Telephone Tapping etc. follow on. A classic STASI technique - with both oneself and one's children threatened.

And then there is a form of OMERTA – a shutdown of help. A cover-up conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, by ensuring that there is no proper investigation. Once the secret spy / intelligence agencies are involved, people are too scared to help - police, politicians, lawyers, media and human rights agencies. All the normal support structures and avenues for resolving grievances simply freeze up.

There is no real political oversight of our Spy Agencies - Because our politicians believe that the secret security / intelligence agencies can destroy their careers they are too scared of them to rein them in.

Overriding the Rule of Law - According to their own leaked training documentation (from the UKs GCHQ), these Spy agencies are training some of their operatives in the use of Zersetzen-style techniques with the stated intention of causing "Physiological", "Cognitive", and "Affective Stress" in their victims using methods designed, in their own words, to disrupt, destroy, diffuse and discredit .

Zersetzen Incidents Described

For a written Paper on Zersetzen, and our experiences of it — with details of each Zersetzen incident listed chronologically from B1 to M5 — see the Russell Zersetzen Report.

A description of these Zersetzen incidents starts in Section B, Page 10, of this Report and goes on until the end of the Report on Page 135 (Para M 5)

Note that over 100 of the incidents described in the Russell Zersetzen Report are corroborated by independent 3rd party testimony.

Detailed sworn Affidavits from 5 (Five) Affiants have been filed with the Federal Court in Canada.

The Zersetzen formula is:

  1. First to slander & character assassinate

  2. Then to threaten, intimidate & harass

  3. Then to cover-up by ensuring no investigation takes place

  4. Then to say you are nuts when you complain about the cover-up.

To view the Documentary Video on Zersetzen, see Video.

Other People’s Experience of Zersetzen

Click on the hamburger icon to bring up The Table of Contents and then go to ”Section 4. Other People’s Experience”.

In Section 4, Other Peoples Experience, open and look at the paper Zersetzen - 25 Precedents, citing the experiences of 25 other victims of Zersetzen in the USA, Canada, & UK.. Additionally documents / slides used by the Spy Agencies to train their staff on Zersetzen are also presented.

This SITE has 10 sections. To navigate between them all, click on the Hamburger Sign.

What's being a victim of Zersetzen like